Muhammad Sihab Ridwan, MS. Ph.D.
: Muhammad Sihab Ridwan, MS. Ph.D.
: Dosen Pengajar Magister Manajemen

Lektor Kepala

Magister Sains Universitas Airlangga
Doctor of Phyloshophy University of Southampton London

Manajemen Strategik
Manajemen Strategik
Bisnis Internasional
Perekonomian Indonesia
Manajemen Koperasi

Analysis Of The Influence Of Value Co-Creation, Customer Value And Sales Promotionto Customerloyality Of Mitsubishi Motors An Empirical Study In The DIPO Company, Sidoarjo    ( International Journal Of Engineering, Management And Humanities (IJEMH) Vol. 2 Issue 4 2021)
The Effect Of Viral Marketing, Online Customer Review, Price Perception, Trust On Purchase Decisions With Lifestyle As Intervening Variables In The Marketplace Shopee In Surabaya City (International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding Vol. 8 Issue 3 Page 496-507 2021)
Implementasi Cloud Database Pada Perpustakaan Digital Berbasis Android dan JS Client (   Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik  Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
The Effect Of Pre Project Selling Strategy, Location And Quality Of Service On Purchase Decisions And Trust As Intervening Variables On Housing Business In The Satellite City ( Untag Surabaya Repository 2021)
The Influences of Internal Capabilities, External Network and Value Chain Strategy on Competitive Strategy in Improving Company Performance in Food and Beverage MSME Companies  (Int. J. Sci. Eng. Sci Vol. 5 Issue 12 Page 69-75)
The Effects of Service Quality, Price Internet, Facility Internet, HR Customer Care on Purchasing Decision with Brand Image as a Mediation Variable in Choosing Internet Products at PT Supra Primatama Nusantara (Biznet Networks) in Banyuwangi ( International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science Volume 5, Issue 12, pp. 91-99, 2022 )
Fiqh Mu’amalah Kontemporern (Yayasan Penerbit Muhammad Zaini 2022)
Transformational Leadership, Employment Competency and Career Levels As Predictors Of Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance: An Empirical Study (Media Mahardhika Vol 20 No. 2 2022)
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Beban Kerja dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Kantor Di PT. Bumi Menara Internusa Surabaya (Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 1 Issue 5 Pages 725-744 2022)
Effect of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), Work Discipline and Work Creativity on Employee Performance at PT. Tunggal Djaja Indah (Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 1 Issue 6 Pages 1169-1184  2022 )
The Influence of the Principal's Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Work Discipline on the Performance of MTS Negeri 2 Lamongan Teachers ( Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 1 Issue 6 Pages 1185-1198 2022)
Manajemen Konflik: Strategi Pengelolaan Konflik dalam Organisasi (Eureka Media Aksara 2022)
Pengantar Bisnis Syariah (Global Eksekutif Teknologi 2023)
The Influence of Job Training, Work Competency, and Job Evaluation on Employee Performance at PT. BPR Bank Jombang Perseroda (Asian Journal of Applied Business and Management Vol. 2 Issue 1 Page 27-46 2023)
Ekonomi Kreatif: Studi Dan Pengembangannya (Penerbit Tahta Media 2023)